Comments on: What is iCloud Drive and how is it different from iCloud? Tools and Fixes for Mac, iPad, iPhone & iWatch Sun, 13 Aug 2023 13:02:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter Vogel Sun, 13 Aug 2023 13:02:40 +0000 If I use iCloud Drive to synch documents across devices, are the documents available on each device when not connected to the internet?

By: Greg Sat, 08 Jul 2023 15:36:31 +0000 If my iPhone is the only Apple product that I own, do I need iCloud Drive?

By: Richard L Strauss Mon, 14 Feb 2022 21:30:53 +0000 In reply to Vince Wiseman.

I just want to read the replies to existing comments.

By: Vince Wiseman Mon, 10 Jan 2022 13:34:11 +0000 Hello
My son has no drive space left on his MacBook Pro. However upon review he has something like 128GB of space used for “iCloud Drive”.
What we need to do is:
– Remove iCloud Drive from his local drive… AND
– Ensure that by doing so, it doesn’t delete from iCloud itself
The point to this exercise is to reclaim the much needed disk space on his local drive so that he has space to install the latest Mac OS.
Can you please advise how this can be done? He absolutely CANNOT lose his data saved to the iCloud.

Thank you,
Vince Wiseman

By: Kat Tue, 28 Dec 2021 23:36:15 +0000 I accidentally got hooked into agreeing to send all my info to iCloud and iDrive which I definitely didn’t want. Now I’m afraid if I turn them off, I will lose everything. I think it is reprehensible that there wasn’t and “are you sure you want to do this” because all I saw on the preferences screen was the OK button. I tried for half an hour to delete, go back, cancel, get out and couldn’t. I was held hostage, and now my photos etc… are on some drive I never wanted them to be on and I’m being told I need to pay for more storage. I’m livid. This is what happens to someone new who is trying to figure out how to navigate a window that pops up out of no where.

By: Carol G Sun, 07 Nov 2021 22:02:46 +0000 I want to give my iMac to my husband for music and only use my MacBook Air. Both are connected to the cloud but both also have their own system documents folders. How can I transfer all my iMac documents to my MacBook Air. Also after this is accomplished. How can I wipe my iMac of documents only, retaining the software and transfer the machine to my husband? Thank you.

By: Rob Hoffman Wed, 28 Jul 2021 14:40:20 +0000 I’m currently paying for 2 TB of iCloud storage on my phone. If I upgrade to iCloud Drive, does that space come out of my 2TB or do I have to pay separately for iCloud Drive ? Thanks!

By: Nick Tutos Sun, 06 Jun 2021 16:30:59 +0000 Great user guide / info. Vet well structured and very well defined functionality

By: fi Wed, 19 May 2021 09:57:16 +0000 I still can’t find the answer I need!
I have plenty of storage available on my Mac & DON’T want to use iCloud .
I can’t understand how to just store photos & documents ONLY on my Mac?
I don’t need to keep paying Apple for monthly storage on iCloud & environmentally the cloud is a huge global user of resources

By: Karen Vanderveen Fri, 07 May 2021 18:55:55 +0000 From what I understand, if I turn off iCloud Drive from my iCloud, that means my Mac won’t automatically save things to the iCloud Drive and I won’t be able to download from there either. If I delete documents on my Mac that were previously on iCloud Drive and then turn on iCloud Drive again, will the documents be deleted from my Mac, iCloud and all other devices that are attached to the apple account as it updates from being turned on again?

This could also apply to photos storage?

By: Nadiya Thu, 11 Mar 2021 19:16:28 +0000 Hey! Just want to thank you!! The toggle multiple times & changing the photo to downloading originals did it! Finally getting the pictures download! I’ve been holding on to my old phone 2 weeks & was thinking of reinstalling the whole thing all over again, but you really saved me so much time/headache!! cannot thank you enough!!

By: Larry Owens Mon, 07 Dec 2020 18:08:56 +0000 My wife and I both have the Apple iPhone 11 that we both are paying for extra storage for the cloud usage. We also have a MacBook Air that’s at 4.8 0f the free 5 GB’s. My question is why doesn’t the phones sync with the Mac to give us the storage for the cloud on the Mac?

By: Kari Thu, 10 Sep 2020 20:22:28 +0000 I have set up a shared folder and sent it via email to others using the “add people” feature. For some though, they cannot access the folder since they receive the message “Turn on iCloud Drive”. Yet, when they go to their settings, iCloud Drive switch is already toggled to “on”. Any advice or tips?

By: Christine Wed, 19 Aug 2020 12:31:29 +0000 Hi – thank you for this article.
I have had so many issues backing up my photos to icloud. I have completed over 3 backups, but my icloud is missing photos from dec 2017 – may 2019. Everything else is stored correctly but for some reason, photos during this perod won’t backup no matter what I’ve tried.
Instead, I have saved all photos during this period to iCloud Drive. I can now see these photos on my PC and when I login to
If I get a new iphone and backup my data, will my photos still be stored securely in the icloud drive? Thank you

By: Elizabeth Jones Wed, 06 May 2020 16:33:43 +0000 In reply to Tristan.

Hi Tristan,

We agree iCloud Drive is wildly confusing!

Unfortunately, iCloud Drive does not offer the same option as DropBox to pick and choose which files are stored in the cloud and which are stored locally (as you describe)

By: Tristan Wed, 06 May 2020 07:19:40 +0000 Hi there,

Thank you so much for this post. I unfortunately am still highly confused with this process.

here is my question and I’m REALLY hoping you can help me with it.

On dropbox there is an option where when you right click on the file it will ask you if you would like it to be stored locally on your machine or only online.

I can’t seem to find anything like this on my icloud drive. I would basically like to throw all the files I am not currently using, but thats taking up space on my harddrive into icloud drive. My question is, does it remove the files automatically from my local drive and keep a copy on the cloud after a period of time, or is there a way like in dropbox, where I can set it that once I’ve put it into the icloud drive folder, it immediately uploads it to icloud and removes the file from my local drive and just leaves that “cloud with the little down arrow” next to it so that I know what i need to redownload to use it. And then once again allow me to throw it back onto the cloud once I’m done with it and remove it from my local drive?

I hope this makes sense and in some way is possible, because I don’t need ALL the information I have stored locally all the time, but i do need access to it at random times and I would much rather prefer not lugging external harddrives around when I can easily access it from the cloud. But i also need to be able to throw it back onto the cloud immediately without it clogging up my local drive.

Please could you help me with this. I would greatly appreciate it.

By: K baxter Thu, 30 Apr 2020 12:13:13 +0000 Why can i edit documents in my icloud drive on my mac without downloading them locally. But on my ipad i have to download to edit then re upload? Surely you should be able to edit documents within the cloud?

By: Elizabeth Jones Tue, 21 Apr 2020 15:18:45 +0000 In reply to Gary.

Hi Gary,

It really sounds like Excel recents is indeed pulling from your iCloud Drive, even if the path it lists is different.

By: Gary Mon, 20 Apr 2020 22:25:31 +0000 In reply to Gary.

Hi Elizabeth,

The path listed below for the file on the HD *only* shows when I pull up the file under “Open Recents” in Excel.
The Documents folder does not show up on the HD in Finder.
I can retrieve the file from the Recents in Excel, modify it, save it and then go the the same file in the iCloud and the modified version is there.
I can also retrieve the file in Finder by going to the iCloud/Documents etc. and pull the file down there. When I save that file and then go back to the Recents in Excel the path it shows is the HD path not the iCloud path I pulled the file from and saved it to.
It looks like the Documents folder is on the HD, that it doesn’t show up in Finder, but otherwise operates as if it was there normally.

By: Elizabeth Jones Mon, 20 Apr 2020 18:45:28 +0000 In reply to Gary.

Hi Gary,

It is indeed possible that your HD is just pointing to your iCloud Drive’s files.

To check, open your User (Gary) Documents folder: you listed this as

HD location:
/Users/gary*****/Documents/zzzGary/REI Tech Info/Analysis

With that folder open in Finder, go to the View menu at the top and select Show Path Bar.

Then look at the bottom of that Finder window and see what the path is. If it’s pointing to the files on iCloud, you should see something like iCloud Drive > Documents > (and then the list of subfolders)
