Comments on: Create favorite actions in the Share Sheet with iOS 13 & iPadOS Tools and Fixes for Mac, iPad, iPhone & iWatch Wed, 12 Aug 2020 20:19:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bob Russell Wed, 12 Aug 2020 20:19:40 +0000 Re: share sheet changes, mail favorites have been omitted and the mail icon has to be scrolled to on iPhone. I don’t use Airdrop and would like to edit it out and have mail faborites. You asked for comments in story. I tried to tell Apple, but no reply.

By: Patricia James Sat, 27 Jun 2020 00:46:36 +0000 Still trying to figure out how to print. When I go into share I only get 3 options under edit actions none of which are print. I need step by exact step instructions. Right now I have to go to my desk top where I can just do command print. That is easy but inconvenient since I use my iPad for everything but I can only print on a few pages that actually will give me an option to print under share. I don’t know why I get that option sometimes and not others. Help,

By: Kersten Thu, 14 Nov 2019 00:39:31 +0000 In reply to Elizabeth Jones.

I’m having the same problem as Monica and this solution did not work for me. It’s annoying to see the same suggestions of people I texted one time a month ago to constantly show up when my husband doesn’t pop up even though I text him every day

By: Alan Westwood Wed, 30 Oct 2019 10:22:30 +0000 In reply to Elizabeth Jones.

But, isn’t it ridiculous that we have to resort to shortcuts because of these utterly ridiculous limitations in the new share sheet? Every day I’m utterly frustrated by iPadOS, I feel like ditching my iPad for a laptop again!

By: Elizabeth Jones Mon, 28 Oct 2019 16:40:30 +0000 In reply to Christ Williams.

Hi Christ,

Try adding a shortcut called Make PDF using the Shortcuts App.

1) Open Shortcuts

2) Tap Gallery

3) Type in Make PDF

4) Tap the Plus sign to add it

5) Choose Get Shortcut

6) Verify it’s in your shortcuts by tapping My Shortcuts

7) Restart device

8) Open Safari

9) Tap the Share Button

10) Scroll to the bottom of the list and Make PDF should now be there

If you want to move it to the top of the list, tap Edit Actions and tap the green plus sign next to Make PDF, the tap Done

Once added, this shortcut should now appear consistently in Safari.

By: Christ Williams Sun, 27 Oct 2019 21:51:41 +0000 When opening an App To add to actions (per your article) No share button is available under edit actions..there is no ability to add a share. more options: Apps I need are not present!

Example: Adobe, Word, Etc.

This is vital for me.

I can’t save/print to PDF.

If you are an individual who creates and researches PDF files; not having the ability to save and print PDF to Adobe or any other App which Apple has decided to exclude, or make accessible to users is absolutely insane!

Taking a snapshot of the webPage is time-consuming, and frustrating. With that insanity, you can’t save files because the App doesn’t appear in the actions menu, and you have no control to add the App needed. What a Mess!

By: Elizabeth Jones Wed, 23 Oct 2019 16:26:03 +0000 In reply to monica.

Hi Monica,

At this time, there isn’t a way to change the options that show up in that part of the share sheet.

It is strange however, that the person you text with the most isn’t showing up. So let’s check your Siri&Search settings (this is where iOS pulls intelligence from.)

Go to Settings > Siri & Search

Toggle on everything under Siri Suggestions (in Search, in Look Up, and optional is on Lock Screen)

Scroll down and tap Messages

Toggle everything on

If all of these were already on, toggle off, wait for a few minutes, and toggle back on

Once you make these changes, restart your device

We hope that does the trick for you! Let us know if it works or not…


By: monica Wed, 23 Oct 2019 15:02:43 +0000 All I want to do is add my favorite (and always recent) contact to the quick share sheet.

The person I text with the most (constantly) never shows up in the options for sharing.

Does this have anything to do with our text format?

We text iPhone to iPhone both using the updated ios.

There seems to be no way to edit who shows up in the quick share text message bar.


By: Lindsey Tue, 22 Oct 2019 16:36:06 +0000 What are you using to set the icon to the left of “iPad allows you to…” in the top row? I am sharing a contact and text and it defaults to a funky icon.
Also, do you notice that the text doesn’t show in messenger on ios 13?

By: Goudarz Mon, 21 Oct 2019 19:44:35 +0000 That’s only for actions, but for what Share is actually useful now I have to scroll down 3 more seconds to reach to FB! If ios13 was smart to see what I use more then it would bring up what user uses more!

By: Jim Price Sat, 19 Oct 2019 14:30:19 +0000 I tried your suggestions. Facebook is NOT available to add. Why is that?

By: Kai Fri, 18 Oct 2019 06:12:39 +0000 In reply to Paul Freeman.

obviously apple broke this important feature (got rid of the option to be free set up a list of own apps to share to) and this author thinks the changes they made are an update.

By: Kai Fri, 18 Oct 2019 06:08:46 +0000 I can not manipulate the apps to share to anymore.

Now I need 6 clicks where I needed 2 before iOS13.

This a downgrade for sharing.

I want my Facebook, Twitter and Hootsuite app in a row immediately to see when pressing „share“.

But NOOO – they are gone. Not there anymore. Hidden away.

By: Alan Thu, 17 Oct 2019 06:15:01 +0000 In reply to Alan.

OK, so on to 13.2 beta3 – this issue is STILL not fixed.

And, we still can’t suppress or hide the iMessage Contacts.

Some Shortcuts app issues have been fixed, but not all – the Open-In command in a Repeat loop, for example, still opens the file list instead of looping through them without asking.

So, I’m still not recommending updating from iOS12 – Apple have a long way to go with iOS13/iPadOS yet!

By: Alan Tue, 15 Oct 2019 16:29:47 +0000 In reply to Alan.

I deleted copied the link and deleted the podcasts bit, then left an iPad feedback, thanks.

I have found the new Share sheet appalling.

There’s not really anything new in it I want or need (changing the app list order to get favorites first has been possible for ages), and I definitely want rid of the iMessage contacts for the same reasons as in the other comments.

Incidentally, Open-In is not only broken in the Share sheet now, its also broken in Apples own shortcuts app, which I have been using extensively – try setting a Shortcut Open-In command to Open an app, either from a list or specified in the list – both crash in shortcuts I’ve been using for months or in new ones (also reported to the beta site).

I’m afraid that as an Apple user since about 1990 and iOS since 2011, I can’t remember a worse iOS release – I’ve loads more problems than these, and currently I’m advising colleagues and clients NOT to update to iOS13 or iPadOS.

By: Alan Tue, 15 Oct 2019 09:26:13 +0000 In reply to Elizabeth Jones.

Agree with the others, I want rid of that list of contacts, and I also want back the apps that are simply missing from the share sheet.

For me that feedback link just gives me a page not found, otherwise I’d use it to send yet another complaint to Apple about iOS13 sharing, I wish I had never updated!!

By: Alan Tue, 15 Oct 2019 09:14:35 +0000 The new share sheet is a total mess and has developers complaining in droves.

Apps that should appear in the sheet are just not there, or they are and disappear when other apps are updated, or they come back for no apparent reason too.

Loads of us just want to be rid of the contacts list altogether, but can’t do that.

I can’t even use iOS for work anymore because I can’t use apps that were previously excellent.

I’ve sent about 20-30 examples of the uselessness of this share sheet through beta feedback for at least 2 months now, and even in beta2 of 13.2 there is no change at all (even though some developers I have contact within large companies, eg Wahoo, say Apple told them it would be fixed).

This awful new Share sheet is driving many of us nuts!!

By: Elizabeth Jones Sat, 12 Oct 2019 14:44:52 +0000 In reply to Tim Jenkins.

Hi Tim and Andrew,

We understand with your frustration on the uselessness of that top row of icons for some people!

Unfortunately, at this time there is no way to customize or eliminate that row of favorites/recents.

Consider submitting your user feedback to Apple via this link. This data is sent directly to Apple’s user experience and development team–it’s the best way we know to get Apple’s attention outside of knowing someone high up the chain of command at Apple.


By: Tim Jenkins Sat, 12 Oct 2019 14:23:53 +0000 Hi Andrew,
I think the most important question that arises from this is : how do you get rid of the Messages tier near the top (like you, I never use Messages – WhatsApp for me) and M can you shift Airdrop (again, seldom use it).

By: Ryan aka Tremor Fri, 11 Oct 2019 18:34:51 +0000 This new share screen is AWFUL! I don’t wanna share my stuff with my family with the quick-share stuff, they would kill me. Get rid of it in the next update please, no one wants it. Not even your supporters enjoy such bad mistake on your dumb part. At least give us the option to remove it
