Comments on: Dark mode isn’t for everyone, disable it for iOS 13, iPadOS, or macOS Tools and Fixes for Mac, iPad, iPhone & iWatch Sat, 24 Oct 2020 17:59:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Heather O. Sat, 24 Oct 2020 17:59:46 +0000 I was quite shocked in the middle of youtube Kpop mv when my Mac screen suddenly turned dark themed.
It has always been light. I dislike dark themes. They hurt my eyes. Please show how to permanently turn dark themes off in MAC.

By: Lewis Walch Tue, 22 Sep 2020 08:54:51 +0000 I hate dark mode. And mine refuses to turn off on my iMac running catalina 10.15.6. It momentarily switches to light when I manually set it too but immediately goes back to dark again. Night shift is also off. It’s very irritating.

By: David Moore Fri, 13 Mar 2020 14:12:19 +0000 I hate dark mode, I wish to uninstall it on iPad and iPhone. Just go back to light mode and invert colors…

By: Suzette Mon, 13 Jan 2020 08:00:42 +0000 I detest dark mode! Reverse video (white on black background) is very hard on the eyes. When using books app you also need to select the aA setting and turn off auto-night setting, otherwise it shows books in dark mode in low light conditions.
