Comments on: Mac Tips For New Users In 2023 Tools and Fixes for Mac, iPad, iPhone & iWatch Sat, 25 Nov 2023 03:35:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gene Sat, 25 Nov 2023 03:35:22 +0000 You can still be focused on an app in Windows, or Linux (which has even better window management). However, you can also multitask – which is what sets a laptop apart from a tablet. Mac doesn’t support multitasking very well out of the box, and being “locked in and focused on” a maximized app window without a good way to quickly arrange apps on screen for maximum productivity is just an annoying limitation of OS. Window management is one of the things that MacOS is just not good at out of the box.

By: Janet DeVore Sun, 05 Feb 2023 23:55:57 +0000 As a long time Mac user it is good to hear what you think is useful. Two things I would like to share:
1) Do you know about QuickLook? That is what I really miss when I have to work on a Windows computer. When you are in the Finder click one time on an icon, press the space bar and the file will open a preview version. you can use the arrow keys to move up/down/across to other icons. This has gotten more powerful – it will now play audio or video files or open web pages. You can access the Markup tool for some editing or fully open the application if needed.
2) In the section of the article where you are talking about flash drives – the Mac will NOT automatically reformat the drive when you plug it in. It may ask if you want to reformat, but this would be another good article for you about how to format flash drives. Sometimes you need to format in a way to allow files to be moved between macOS and Windows.

Best regards
