Comments on: Can You Use Time Machine to Back up Your Mac to iCloud Drive? Tools and Fixes for Mac, iPad, iPhone & iWatch Thu, 28 Dec 2023 17:00:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jacob Thu, 18 Nov 2021 15:07:51 +0000 In reply to Denis Morgan.

Thanks for your instructions, Denis! My backup is running now at about 3 mins / GB.

By: Denis Morgan Sun, 31 Oct 2021 19:39:22 +0000 Here is how to use icloud to do a time machine backup.

1. Create a disk image on your icloud drive using diskutil
(Launch diskutil Go to file>new image>blank image
Select the size you need – and the format it
§ I use MacOS extended case sensitive §
Select sparse image, so you are not using more icloud space than you need)
Give it a name eg TMI_backup
Then select the icloud drive as you location – save and mount it.

2. use the command line to tell time machine to back up to the virtual drive
eg. sudo tmutil setdestination /Volumes/TMI_backup

Ofcourse the disk image will have to be mounted for time machine to work
& when it is synched with your hard disk, the disk image file will take up as much space on your hard disk as it is in the icloud.

By: Asterion Mon, 21 Jun 2021 08:06:33 +0000 “Airport Time Capsule”??!
How old and out of date is this article?!

By: C.Shannon Tue, 25 May 2021 05:11:46 +0000 I find it to be really lame that apple “allows” me to rent space of 2TB for $9.99 a month but I can’t back up all my files to this rented space. This coming from the company valued at over a trillion dollars!…
